Dust of the Rabbi Podcast

Season 4 - Episode 7a - Bonus Episode - "My Big Fat Jewish Wedding" in Sedona, Arizona

Rabbi Brian Baruch Bileci Season 4 Episode 8

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This Bonus Episode is a pause from our forth season discussing the Becoming Free curriculum that Rabbi Brian Bileci has been sharing as part of the spiritual journey and freedom of Becoming a Disciple of Yeshua. He discusses the beautiful celebration of "Shavuot," known as the "Feast of Weeks," as well as "Pentecost," as he compares Israel relationship with God to a Jewish Wedding Ceremony, as he did in beautiful Sedona, Arizona, for his friends Seth & Cindy. Let's dive into this fascinating  bonus episode, 7a, as we become dusty from Yeshua's feet, and drink in His words with thirst.